

I know it doesn’t matter anymore, but i hope everything is going good for you. I hope you are happy with whoever and how ever many partners you may have, and i hope you’re living the life your younger self dreamed of one day. I know you’ve struggled for so long, and i wish we could still call each other up to vent and talk about things. I wish we could still talk about the vast mysteries of the universe, with inter mitten facts about the stars in the sky. I wish we could lay down and see the stars for what they truly are again, on the back road in your hometown.
I regret losing myself in my own grief and addiction.
I regret losing you in the process.
I know it doesn’t matter anymore, but i still regret hurting you while i was lost. I will never forgive myself for that.
But despite that, i know that you are out there in the world. Shining light wherever you go, on whomever you meet.
As a champion for good, and a voice for those who cant.
A beautiful sunflower, blossoming for all to see.
If the world turned its back on you, id still take you in, and help you.
That’s what I’ve always done, and that’s what ill always do.
Ill always love you, from the bottom of my heart.
Life is a beautiful journey, Thank you for including me in part of yours.
I’m sorry our paths split away, and can only pray they may cross again.
I know it doesn’t matter anymore, but i love you. i always will.
ps you owe me $50 for mocha lattes fees.





I know it doesn’t matter anymore, but i hope everything is going good for you. I hope you are happy […]

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