

ngl man its like everyday I js get the chills n think abt u for sum rsn I honestly don’t know what’s goin on exactly but it js makes my stomach hurt every night b4 I gts bcs I literally Kant stop thinking abt yu like ik ds sound corny asl n it sound like I’m lying but I’m not really it don’t matter where I’m at like I fuckin cry when I see sum fall related or smb mentions ur name or I see ur story or anything n ian felt dat way inna min I think to myself that I can make it right somehow but I just know I cant I know u js hate me n imma fuckin idiot n ur disgusted of me but idk idk wtf I’m feeling rn n everyday I js feel like I needa tty but I cant and I know no amount of apologies can fix what I did n ionek why I’m writing dis big ass paragraph cs ion even do essays in class but I js felt like I had ta get ds off my chest. I love you forever <3.





ngl man its like everyday I js get the chills n think abt u for sum rsn I honestly don’t […]

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